Educare è un processo lento

Our seeds will grow in time: because education is a slow process

Education is a time consuming process

L’educazione è un processo che richiede pazienza, dedizione e costanza nel fornire opportunità di apprendimento, incoraggiamento e sostegno. Molte volte, i risultati dell’educazione non sono immediatamente visibili e possono richiedere anni o addirittura generazioni per manifestarsi appieno. 

The Prof. Antonio Petagine, in occasione della III Convention delle Scuole CEFA, ha tracciato un percorso attraverso orientare il processo educativo: non soltanto al bene dei propri figli, ma anche a quello della persona educante. Sia esso un docente o un genitore.

Focusing on some of the passages of the educational process Petagine pointed out how the ability of putting oneself to the service of others, the lack of projecting personal goals and patience are fundamental for an educational project deeply rooted on solid and fertile ground.

So much of our unhappiness depends on the fact that we are not able to have a clear vision of ourselves and of our attitude to others correctly 

The projection of aspirations ourselves and on others generates deep feelings of discomfort and misunderstanding

Our Happiness is based on the knowledge of all the good deeds we have accomplished

CEFA 4 Family is the column of CEFA Schools designed to collect and offer practical and useful advice to become aware parents and support their children in their growth.

Antonio Petagine

Antonio Pelagine is University professor and Researcher of History of Philosophy and Gnosiology at the “Dipartimento della Formazione” of Roma TRE University. 




