Regarding the family-school dualism, confronting the tutor is essential to ask oneself the important questions.
Children need to discover society around them, and they need to discover it as a great adventure. Therefore, they must learn with a to pose themselves the important questions of life with a critical sense.
Be it for the sake of adventure: to measure themselves against great ideals, with new passions that are ones they can feel. It could be a passion for sports, a passion for volunteering, a passion for theater, a passion for music. Kids also need to get out of the family-school context. It’s as if there was a need for a third lung with which they need to be able to think about their life project.
In questo senso il tutor deve essere capace di traghettarli in questa grande apertura: che si radica negli affetti familiari, cresce con le competenze che la scuola gli trasmette. Ma che poi li proietta verso fuori.
That's why it's so important for them to take hold of what we call the education to legality. That is, for them to know what is right and what is not right: to have learned it in the family, to have re-elaborated it in school. But above all, to put it successfully into practice in the social context in which they move.
That they are capable of taking meaningful, coordinating roles. That they are capable of a representative role as well. That they are capable of asking the important questions: of being able to ask the society that comes towards them, the questions that are about the meaning of poverty, they are measured by the problem of immigration, they are measured by 360-degree problems
The Tutor helps them look at these things without judging them "good or bad," as if it were digital logic. But it pushes them to question all the nuances that this might have and that, in some way, call kids into action, preventing them from isolating themselves in their own little world.
CEFA 4 Family is the column of CEFA Schools designed to collect and offer practical and useful advice to become aware parents and support their children in their growth.

Psychotherapist, specialist in clinical psychology and child neuropsychiatry is Professor of "History of Medicine and Human Sciences" at the University "Campus Bio-Medico of Rome," where he directed the "Department for Educational and Teaching Research" for more than 15 years. She is a member of several institutions, including the "National Committee for Bioethics." She was a Senator of the Italian Republic from 2018-2022.