Nursery and Kindergarten 


We consider personal growth an amazing challenge that every child is called to deal with, supported by our tutors and the whole staff in a profound and close cooperation with his family. This is the reason why CEFA educational projects, even in Nursery school and Kindergarten, have the distinctive characteristics that are a MUST for all of us.

Nursery and Kindergarten 


Every child is unique and unrepeatable and must therefore be accompanied in his growth in a complete and harmonic fashion. In CEFA Schools we offer pupils and their families a formative model based onpersonalised educationTutoring is the founding element of our proposal and allows us to follow the personal growth and evolution of each pupil, intervening with skill according to the single needs of each and standing by the parents in the process of their child’s growth.

The tutor is a teacher who periodically meets parents to evaluate with them their child’s progress and slight “difficulties” and so share an educational strategy.

Every age has profoundly different times and characteristics ( both educational and pedagogical). Age homogeneous classes allow us to structure suitable activities and spaces, in total respect of the richness of potential that characterises the first years of life and of the sensibility of this age group

Through Kindertap it is now possible to consult your child’s daily logbook and follow his activities and small discoveries. All Kindergarten Schools have integrated the classes and labs with digital tools so as to begin the structured activities of the STEAM disciplines in a ludic educational key. Multimedia touch screens are able to create cooperative and innovative didactic spaces; Educational Robotics – Photon, Tablet, Fable, Bee-pot and Blue –pot all help the children develop creativity, logical thinking skills and to learn the basics of Coding. The Volcanoes: table for making with various accessories, allows pupils to observe scientific phenomena from different perspectives and integrates innovative technologies that allow immersive learning experiences. Backing its application is the educational method Learning by Languages.

This age group is particularly fertile for the process of acquiring a second language: therefore, a gradual increase of the hours of English is provided from the Nursery school on. Every day, a mother tongue teacher spends two hours in every class, speaking only in English to the children. The planning of activities is studied so as to render English the main vehicle in learning activities and in playtime, enriching the children’s vocabulary thanks also to modern and innovative tools.

Positive education is the approach of the entire educational equipe aiming to enhance the child’s success and to encourage all attempts to experiment, explore and create.

Thematic indoor and outdoor Atelier are ideal spaces for making learning more effective and wholesome: the teacher is the Master Artisan, curing specific sensorial and communicative languages to favour and structure knowledge.

Nursery and Kindergarten 

