

The Key documents that directly impact the company’s activities are the “STATUTE “in which the didactic and formative dimension in a continued relationship with each family is highlighted and the” Ethical Code” where the principles and regulations which define the actions of governance organs and of all those who cooperate in various ways with CEFA are issued.

The Assembly of Members is the main body, not only because it elects the members of the Board of Directors, but also and above all because it is made up of parents from our schools and their friends who are sensitive to educational and family training issues. The Assembly, therefore, embodies our mission and supports the various locations in the promotion of the CEFA message.

The Board of Directors is composed of 5 directors, including the President and remains in office for 3 years. The Councilors nominate the General Manager who has the role of coordinating the work of the directors of each location, of the administrative director and of the personnel director.

Each location has its own principal, who is asked to monitor the functioning of the schools in unity with the General Management to coordinate the various organizational aspects.



We constantly monitor the educational, training, administrative and personnel management processes and canteen service.   Two quality certifications help us in defining and maintaining an elevated operating standard in every aspect of our business.   Since 2016 the Quality Certificates have been renewed yearly by the Authorized Bodies.  


Angelo Giuseppe Caparello

Presidente del consiglio di amministrazione

Emanuela Di Maio


Marco Porretti


Giovanni Vicari

Consigliere e Direttore Generale

Caterina Contenti

Consigliere e Vice Direttore Generale

Alessandro Forgione

Direttore Amministrativo

Loris Tulli

Direttore del personale

Carla Mastrogirolamo


Dario Valerio Nisticò Tarrats

Direttore Iunior International Institute


Direttrice Primavera del Campus

Chiara Velli

Direttrice La Mongolfiera e La Locomotiva

Giulia Stirpe

Direttrice Petranova International Institute



The whistleblowing Institute, introduced in Italy by the Law n. 190/2012 is dedicated to the safeguard of Public and General Interest, of Legality and Ethics in the Administrative governance. 


Transparent administration

In the “Transparent Administration” section you will find data, documents and information concerning various aspects of the organization and functions of the Institute, which are subject, by legal provision, to mandatory publication, or published on the Institute's own initiative, consistent with the legal nature of the Institution, its purposes and the activities it carries out.


  • Decreto legislativo n. 33, 14 marzo 2013 “Riordino della disciplina riguardante gli obblighi di pubblicità, trasparenza e diffusione di informazioni da parte delle pubbliche amministrazioni”.
  • Determinazione ANAC n. 1310 of 28/12/2016 “Prime linee guida recanti indicazioni sull’attuazione degli obblighi di pubblicità, trasparenza e diffusione di informazioni contenute nel d.lgs. 33/2013 come modificato dal d.lgs. 97/2016”.